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Galway Bay. At four o'clock on the afternoon of the 21st of January, 1960, the local doctor asked if the life-boat could take a six-year-old child with suspected appendicitis to the mainland for hospital treatment. As no other suitable boat was available, the life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson left her moor- ings at 4.45 and embarked the child.

There was a southerly gale and a rough sea. It was low water and the weather was overcast, with heavy rain and poor visibility. The conditions made enter- ing Rossaveal bay difficult, but the child was landed shortly after seven o'clock, and after refuelling the life- boat reached her moorings at 10.30.

Rewards to the crew, £16 5s. ; reward to the helper on shore, 17s. Refunded to the Institution by the Galway County Council..