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Scarborough, Yorkshire. At 5.15 on the evening of the 1st of January, 1960, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the trawler Brutus of Hull was making for Scarborough with an injured man on board and needed the help of the life-boat to land him. Her position then was two miles east-south- east of Scarborough. At 6.5 the life- boat /. G. Graves of Sheffield was launched with a doctor on board in a strong northerly wind. There was a rough sea and it was high water. The life-boat met the trawler, put the doctor and a stretcher aboard and stood off until the man was ready to be trans- ferred. With the injured man and the doctor on board the life-boat returned to harbour, arriving at 7.40. An ambulance was waiting to take the man to hospital. Rewards to the crew, £7 10s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £7 5s..