A German Trawler
The following account of a service by the Helvick Head, Co. Waterford, life- boat on the 17th of December, 1959, was received too late for inclusion in the March, 1960, number of the Life- boat.
At 5.30 in the evening the coxswain told the honorary secretary that a member of the crew aboard a German trawler anchored in Dungarvan Bay needed a doctor. As no other local boat was considered suitable because of the severe weather conditions, the life- boat H. F. Bailey put out at 6.15 with a doctor on board. A south-westerly gale was blowing, the sea was very rough, and there were heavy rain squalls. It was high water. After examining the man, who had an abscess on his face, the doctor decided that he should be removed to hospital. The life-boat brought the patient and doctor ashore and reached her station at 7.45.
The owners made a donation to the Institution's funds. Rewards to the crew, £8 15s. ; reward to the helper on shore, 12s..