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Virtuous, Just Reward, Good Way, Golden Gleam and Mary Jane

Peterhead, Aberdeenshire. At 9.20 on the morning of the 27th of October, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a number of Fraserburgh fishing boats had been caught in a violent northerly gale off Rattray Head. At 9.32 the life-boat Julia Park Barry of Glasgow left her moorings in a very rough sea and poorvisibility. The tide was just beginning to ebb. The life-boat escorted five boats, the Virtuous, Just Reward, Good Way, Golden Gleam and Mary Jane to Peterhead Bay. She then returned to sea to search for the Vesper, but could not find her, and at 3.30 she was asked to meet the Fraserburgh life-boat to assist in escorting two boats, Star of Faith and Ocean Swell, to Peterhead.

The Ocean Swell eventually had to be abandoned and her crew of two were safely taken off by the Fraserburgh life-boat. The Vesper was reported in harbour at 7.40, and the Peterhead life- boat reached her station at 8.15. Re- wards to the crew, £25 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 8s..