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The S.S. Ribblehead

Barrow, Lancashire. At 11.35 on the morning of the llth of December, 1959, a firm of shipping agents in- formed the honorary secretary that a radio message had been received from the s.s. Ribblehead, which had sailedon the morning tide from Barrow, that the second engineer had been badly scalded and needed medical attention.

At 12.15 the life-boat Herbert Leigh was launched with a doctor on board in a choppy sea. There was a moderate easterly wind and it was two hours before low water. The doctor was put aboard the Ribblehead one mile west of Lightning Knoll buoy at 12.48. After examination the injured man was transferred to the life-boat, which reached her station at 2.10. The doctor then took the seaman to hospital for treatment. Rewards to the crew, £5 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 9s..