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Southwards and Westwards

Fleetwood, Lancashire. At 12.37 on the afternoon of the 13th of November, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the vessel Drop- ford was towing the fishing vessel Southwards, which had engine trouble, towards Morecambe Bay. Her position was sixteen miles south-east-by-east of Manghold Head, and the report stated that a further message would be sent if the life-boat was needed.

Arrangements were made for the sister ship of the Southwards, Westwards, to meet the two vessels near the Morecambe Bay lightvessel and take over the tow.

This was done, but when the West- wards, with the Southwards now in tow, reached King's Scar a message was sent asking for a pilot. The pilot boat was not afloat, and the help of the life-boat was asked for. The life-boat Ann Letitia Russell was launched at 1.5 early on the morning of the 14th of November in a rough sea. A fresh north-easterly wind was blowing and the tide was half ebb. The life-boat put a pilot aboard the Westwards and escorted both vessels to harbour. She reached her station at 3.45. Rewards to the crew, £11 10s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 16s..