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Rosa Luxemburg

Teesmouth, Yorkshire. At 7.5 on the evening of the 12th of November, 1959, the lighthouse keeper at South Gare informed the honorary secretary that a trawler was anchored very close to the West Scar rocks. At 7.20 the life-boat John and Lucy Cordingley was launched in a moderate sea. A moder- ate south-south-easterly wind was blowing, and it was one hour before low water. The life-boat made for the position given, where she found the German trawler Rosa Luxemburg.

The coxswain boarded her and ex- plained to the skipper that his vessel was anchored in a dangerous position.

The life-boat then escorted the trawler to the shelter of the river Tees and reached her station at 9.30. Rewards to the crew, £10 10s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £5 11s..