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Galway Bay. At 10.30 on the morn- ing of the 10th of December, 1959, the local doctor asked the honorary secre- tary if the life-boat could take a patient, who urgently needed hospital treatment, from Inisheer to Rossaveal pier on the mainland, as no other suitable boat was available. At eleven o'clock the life- boat Mabel Marion Thompson left her moorings in a strong north-easterly wind. The sea was rough and the tide half ebb. The life-boat embarked the patient at Inisheer, and then made for Kilronan, where the doctor had another patient needing hospital treat- ment. When the life-boat reached Rossaveal the two patients were taken to hospital by ambulance. The life-boat finally reached her station at eight o'clock. Rewards to the crew, £22 5s. ; reward to the helper on shore, £1..