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New Members of the Committee of Management

BRIGADIER N. B. Brading, C.M.G., C.B.E., Mr. J. P. W. Mallalieu, M.P., and the Duke of Atholl have been co- opted members of the Committee of Management of the Institution.

Brigadier Brading served as an officer of the East Surrey Regiment in both world wars, in the second war com- manding a beach sub-area in the D-Day landings. He was later Area Com- mander in Holland until the Nether- lands Government was able to resume control, and was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of Orange Nassau. After the war he was lent to the United Nations staff and after returning to regular duty was appointed Chief of Staff in the South-West District. He served for ten years in the National Health Service, being lent to the Nigerian Government to establish the first teaching hospital. He lives in Woodstock, Oxfordshire.

Mr. Mallalieu has served as Labour M.P., first for Huddersfield and then for Huddersfield East, since 1945. He was educated at Cheltenham and Trinity College, Oxford, being president of the Oxford Union and winning a Rugby football blue. After going to the University of Chicago as a Common- wealth Fellow, he worked as a journal- ist before the last war. During the war he served in the Royal Navy, and among his publications are Very Ordinary Seaman and Extraordinary Seaman. He lives near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.

The Duke of Atholl, who was edu- cated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, succeeded to the title in 1957.

! Notice I { | All contributions for the Institution should be sent either to the honorary secretary of the local branch or guild, or to Colonel A. D. Burnett Brown, O.B.E., M.C., I T.D., M.A., the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, 42 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I.

All enquiries about the work of the Institution or about this journal should be addressed to the Secretary.

The next number of the LIFE-BOAT will be published in June, 1960..