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Ramsgate, Kent. At 7.50 on the evening of the 1st of December, 1959, the watchman at the east pier informed the honorary secretary that two motor boats, which had left the harbour earlier in the day, had not returned as expected. Visibility was poor because of fog, and at 7.55 the life-boat Michael and Lily Davis left her moorings.

There was a light west-north-westerly wind and a slight sea. It was two hours after high water. The life-boat carried out an extensive search and at 12.19found the two boats some three to four miles east of Ramsgate. Rockets had been sent up from the boats and a fire lit in a bucket, but these signals could not be seen earlier because of the bad visibility. One of the motor boats had taken the other, the Marjansu, which had engine trouble, in tow.

There were three people in one boat and two in the other. They were all suffering from exposure and were given hot drinks. The life-boat then towed both boats to harbour, arriving at 1.15 in the morning. The rescued men made a gift to the life-boat crew.

Rewards to the crew, £16 15s..