Jenny III
The following account of a service by the Newhaven, Sussex, life-boat on the 27th of September, 1959, was received too late for inclusion in the December 1959 number of the Life- boat.
At 12.5 in the afternoon, the coast- guard informed the honorary secretary that a small boat was in difficulties twelve miles south of Newhaven, and that the tanker Atonality, of London, was going to her help. At 12.18 the life-boat Kathleen Mary was launched in a slight sea. There was a light northerly wind and it was nearly low water. Shortly afterwards the Atonality wirelessed that she had taken the yacht Jenny III, which had a crew of four, in tow. The life-boat met the tanker and took over the tow to Newhaven, reach- ing her station at 3.30. Rewards to the crew, £11 4s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore £3 15s..