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Flood Tide

Aldeburgh, Suffolk, At 8.35 on the morning of the 4th of October, 1959, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a small fishing boat had run ashore a mile and a half north of Orfordness lighthouse. Ten minutes later the coastguard reported that the fishing boat's crew of two were safely ashore and there was no danger to life.

At 9.20 a further message was received that the fishing boat had refloated and that her owner, who was now aboard her, had asked for assistance as his engine had been flooded. At 9.35 the life-boat The Alfred and Patience Gott- wald was launched in a rough sea.

There was a gentle east-south-easterly wind and it was two hours before high water. The life-boat took the fishing boat Flood Tide in tow and reached her station at 11.40. The fishing boat's owner sent a letter of appreciation.

Rewards to the crew, £10 10s.; rewards.