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Lerwick, Shetlands. At 5.50 on the morning of the 9th of December, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the trawler Ertnan, of Kristiansund, whose position was twenty-two mile seast of Bressay Light, had asked for a pilot, but was not in immediate danger. After more information had been obtained the life-boat Claude Cecil Staniforth left her moorings at 1.31 just after low water. A strong south-easterly gale was blowing and there was a very rough sea. The coxswain steered a course to intercept the trawler, but the course had to be altered when the Ertnan signalled that she was making for Skerries harbour. The life-boat met the vessel and escorted her to the north entrance of the Skerries, where she was met by the fishing vessel Snowdrop and led into harbour. The Ertnan had lost her heavy anchor and had no chart of the Shetland Isles on board. Her crew of fifteen were ex- hausted through lack of sleep. The coxswain decided to remain at the Skerries overnight and escort the trawler to Lerwick the following morning. At 7.52 on the morning of the 10th of December the life-boat and trawler left harbour and made passage to Lerwick, arriving at 12.32, when the Ertnan was berthed. Rewards to the crew, £52 5s..