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Elsa Tholstrup

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Nor- folk. At 7.8 on the evening of the 13th of November, 1959, the honorary secretary learnt from the pilots of a wireless message received from the tanker Elsa Tholstrup, of Middelfart, Denmark, that she had a very sick man on board. The tanker had no large- scale charts of that part of the coast and was therefore lying off the Gorton light- vessel. The pilot boat was unable to put to sea because of the weather con- ditions, and at 7.16 the life-boat LouiseStephens was launched with a doctor on board. There was a southerly gale with a rough sea, and it was almost high water. The doctor boarded the tanker and decided that the man was too ill to be transferred. The life-boat returned for a pilot and the tanker was brought into harbour, where the sick man was landed and taken to hospital by ambulance. The owners of the tanker expressed their thanks. Rewards to the crew, £11 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £7 10s..