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Three Life-Boat Centenaries

Lizard AT a dinner held at the Housel Bay Hotel, the Lizard, on the 24th of April, 1959, to mark the hundredth anniver- sary of the founding of the life-boat station, Earl Howe, Chairman of the Committee of Management, presented a commemorative vellum to mark this event. Mr. A. J. Greenslade, chairman of the branch, accepted the vellum. In his speech Earl Howe pointed out that in the hundred years of the station's existence life-boats from the Lizard had rescued 612 lives. He also described the reasons why it had been decided to build a life-boat station at Kilcobben Cove. Admiral E. L. S. King, vice- president of the branch, and Mr. L. A.

Britton, honorary secretary of the branch, expressed gratitude for the co- operation given by the Royal Naval Air Station at Culdrose, the police and coastguards. Other speakers included Mr. J. C. Trewin, president of the branch committee ; Mr. F. Chapman, former honorary secretary of the branch ; Mr. Greville Howard, M.P.

for St. Ives and a member of the Com- mittee of Management ; and Coxswain George Mitchell.

Later in the year celebrations took place throughout the week which included life-boat day. These started with an open-air service held on Sunday, the 26th of July, at which Captain Guy D. Fanshawe, R.N., represented the Committee of Management. Other attractions included a concert and dancing on the village green ; a bar- becue ; a tug-of-war competition ; special launches of the life-boat and demonstrations of co-operation with helicopters and of rescue by breeches buoy ; a dance and a cinema show.

Helvick Head The hundredth anniversary of the founding of a life-boat station at Helvick Head was celebrated on the 26th of July, when the commemorative vellum was presented by Major Bertram Bell, a member of the Committee of Management. The committee was also represented by Sir Terence Langrishe.

After the ceremony a buffet tea was served by the ladies of Dungarvan and Helvick Head in a marquee provided by the Dungarvan Show Committee. Since the station wasestablishedlife-boats from Helvick Head have rescued 172 lives.

Fleetwood The establishment of a life-boat station at Fleetwood a hundred years ago was also celebrated by a ceremony held on Sunday, the 9th of August. The Bishop of Lancaster conducted a ser- vice of thanksgiving, assisted by the Rev. Jon McClintock, Vicar of Fleet- wood, and Mr. Duncan Brown, Super- intendent of the Fleetwood branch of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen. The Mayor of Fleet- wood, Councillor J. S. Shaw, took the chair, and the Earl of Derby, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Lancashire, presented the commemorative vellum to the honorary secretary of the branch, Mr. H. Cartman, who handed it over to the Mayor of Fleetwood for safe keeping.

During the hundred years Fleetwood life-boats have rescued 337 lives..