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The S.S. Sobo

Porthdinllaen, Caernarvonshire. At 1.40 on the afternoon of the 5th of September, 1959, the coastguard in- formed the honorary secretary that a member of the crew of the s.s. Sobo of Liverpool had severely injured his head in an accident and was in need of immediate medical assistance. The steamer's position was then seven miles north-west of Porthdinllaen Point. The life-boat Charles Henry Ashley was launched with a doctor on board at two o'clock in a calm sea with a light, variable breeze blowing and an ebb tide. She came alongside the steamer, and the doctor was put on board. The injured man, who had a fractured jaw, was lowered in a stretcher to the life- boat and landed at Morfa Nevin, where an ambulance was waiting to take him to Bangor hospital. The life-boat reached her station at four o'clock.

Rewards to the crew, £5 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 18s..