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The S.S. Baxtergate

Barrow, Lancashire. At 11.15 on the morning of the 1st of July, 1959, a firm of shipping agents informed the coxs- wain that the father of a boy aboard the s.s. Baxtergate of London was danger- ously ill. As there was no other suitable boat available a request was made for the life-boat to bring the boy ashore.

The vessel was lying off Lightning Knoll buoy, and as she would be unable to dock for several days because of the neap tide, the Jife-boat Herbert Leigh was launched at 1.23. There was a moderate sea, with a fresh west- south-westerly wind blowing and an ebb tide. The life-boat met the Baxtergate, embarked the boy and landed him at Barrow at 3.50. She reached her station at 4.30. The shipping agents refunded to the Insti- tution the expenses of the service.

Rewards to the crew, £4 16s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 10s..