Advanced search

Saint Ronan (1)

Dover, and Walmer, Kent. At 7.12 on the morning of the llth of July, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary at Dover that two vessels had been in collision near the South Goodwin lightvessel. At 7.31 the coastguard reported that one of the vessels, the s.s. Mount Athos of Piraeus, had rescued seven of the crew of the motor vessel Saint Ronan of Glasgow, which had sunk. There were still three men missing from the Saint Ronan. At 7.40 the Dover life-boat Southern Africa left her moorings. The Walmer life- boat station as the flanking station had been informed of the launch according to the usual procedure, and at 7.49 the life-boat Charles Cooper Henderson, on temporary duty at Walmer, was also launched. A doctor went out in the Walmer life-boat as the master of the Saint Ronan, who had been rescued, was seriously injured. There was a freshening southerly wind with a choppy sea and an ebb tide. Visibility was poor. The Dover life-boat carried out a search for further survivors while the Walmer life-boat put the doctor aboard the Mount Athos and escorted the steamer into Dover harbour. The two life-boats then continued the search, but without success, and they returned to their stations, Dover life-boat arriv- ing at 12.55 and Walmer at 1.15.

Rewards to the crew : Dover, £12 18s. ; Walmer, £12 13s. Rewards to the helpers on shore : Walmer, £14 19s..