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Fishing Boats

Arranmore, Co. Donegal. At 8.50 on the evening of the 13th of August, 1959, the honorary secretary was informed that the local fishing fleet were in difficulties in an easterly gale and a very rough sea. Ten minutes later the life- boat Peter and Sarah Blake put out. It was two hours after low water. The life-boat escorted six boats to safety, and when it was found that one boat was missing, she carried out a search and found the missing boat drifting with three men on board. She towed the boat to harbour, where a message was received from Malin Head that another small boat was adrift. The life- boat also found this boat, which had been blown ashore on the uninhabited island of Roaninish with a man and his son on board. They did not wish to leave their boat, and as she could not be taken in tow because of the weather conditions at the time, the life-boat made for Burtonport. She returned later to Roaninish with provisions for the man and his son. After these had been handed over the life-boat returned to her station, which she finally reached at five o'clock on the afternoon of the 14th. Rewards to the crew, £35 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 11s..