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Clogher Head, Co. Louth. At 10.30 on the morning of the 14th of August.

1959, the honorary secretary received a message from the offices of a shipping company that the motor vessel Dun- dalk, belonging to the company, had an injured man on board. She was about four miles south of Clogher Head, and as her steering gear was defective she could not continue on her passage to Drogheda. At 12.20 the life-boat George and Caroline Ermen was launched with a doctor and three engineers on board. There was a very rough sea, a southerly gale was blowing, and it was low water. The life-boat met the Dundalk, and the doctor and the three engineers were put aboard. After her steering had been repaired the vessel continued to Drogheda, the doctor and engineers remaining on board. The life-boat reached her station at 3.30.

The vessel's owners expressed their thanks and made a gift to the life-boat crew. Rewards to the crew, £9 12s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £7 10s..