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Dalhanna and Staxton Wyke

Flamborough, Yorkshire. At 3.30 on the morning of the 23rd of August, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a vessel was sinking sixteen miles south-east of Flamborough Head. At four o'clock the life-boat Friendly Forester was launched in a calm sea. There was a light westerly breeze and thick fog. A later message stated that the motor vessel Dalhanna of Newcastle had col- lided with the steam trawler Staxton Wyke of Hull. Sixteen survivors from the trawler had been picked up by the motor vessel, but five others were missing. The life-boat came up with the Dalhanna, and the coxswain went aboard her to consult with the trawler's skipper, who was one of the sixteen rescued. It was decided to transfer the sixteen survivors to the life-boat and continue the search for the other men, although the skipper told the coxswain that as his vessel had sunk within two minutes of the collision there was little hope of finding any more survivors.

The life-boat carried out a search but found nothing, and the s.s. Clarity also searched the area but found only two rubber rafts. The life-boat finally returned to her station, arriving at ten o'clock. The owners of the steamtrawler expressed their thanks through the Hull Steam Trawlers' Mutual Insurance and Protecting Co. Ltd., which made a gift to the crew and a donation to the Institution's funds.

Rewards to the crew, £14 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £10 16s..