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Coxswain Thomas Reay of Maryport

COXSWAIN THOMAS REAY of Maryport died on the 14th of April, 1959, at the age of 77. He served as coxswain from 1932 to 1941 after having previously served as bowman for nearly three years and second coxswain for over twenty-three years. He was the holder of the Institution's bronze medal for gallantry with a second service clasp.

His first medal was awarded for the rescue of thirteen of the crew of the 2,500 tons steamer Plawsworth, which had gone aground in a south-westerly gale. To take off the survivors the life-boat had to remain alongside for forty-two minutes, and because of the damage she suffered the coxswain could use the helm only one way. His second award was for a wartime service when the Maryport life-boat rescued the crew of four of the drifter Mourne Lass. Coxswain Reay was also awarded a silver medallion by the Finnish Government when the Maryport life-boat was launched in exceptionally difficult conditions in 1935 to the Finnish steamer Esbo, whose crew were eventually rescued from the shore by the life-saving apparatus team at White- haven..