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A Sailing Dinghy

Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. At 7.10 on the evening of the 1st of August, 1959, tne coastguard told the honorary sec- retary of a message received from the police that a sailing dinghy had cap- sized off Butlin's holiday camp. The life-boat Sir Godfrey Baring was launched at 7.24 in a slight sea with a gentle west-north-westerly wind blowing and a flood tide. She reached the position given and found a man, who had been alone in the dinghy, swimming towards the shore. He was taken aboard the life-boat, which reached her station at eight o'clock. A helicopter also took part in the search. The dinghy was not recovered. Rewards to the crew, £7 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 17s..