A Rubber Mattress (1)
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumber- land. At 1.45 on the afternoon of the 17th of August, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a girl had drifted out to sea on a rubber mattress four and a half miles south of Berwick. At 1.54 the life-boat William and Mary Durham was launched in a choppy sea. A moderate south-westerly wind was blowing, and it was one hour before high water. Three boats from the Berwick yacht club also put out and a helicopter from the Royal Air Force station at Acklington joined in the search. One of the boats from the yacht club, the Tonic, found the girl off the Castlehead Rocks on the north-east side of Holy Island. The girl was taken aboard the Tonic and was later transferred to the life-boat, which reached her station at four o'clock.
Rewards to the crew, £8 8s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 16s..