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A Rowing Boat (2)

Peterhead, Aberdeenshire. At 12.11 early on the morning of the 29th of July, 1959, the coastguard passed on to the honorary secretary a police report that an 18-feet rowing boat with one man aboard had gone fishing from Boddam but had not returned. The boat had last been seen off Longhaven.

Further enquiries were made to dis- cover whether the man had landed in Couden Bay, but the police reported that they had searched along the shore at Longhaven and Boddam and they were certain the boat had not returned.

A message was received at 2.12 that a boat had been seen late the previous evening a quarter of a mile off shore south of Dundonnie, and at 2.45 the life-boat Julia Park Barry of Glasgow was launched. There was a slight sea, a light north-easterly breeze was blow- ing, and the tide was ebbing. There was dense fog. The life-boat came up with a fishing boat and found that she had the boat which was overdue in tow.

She escorted them into Boddam har- bour and reached her station at 5.30.

Rewards to the crew, £8 14s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 8s..