The Ship's Boat Volga
New Brighton, Cheshire. At 10.20 on the night of the 23rd of April, 1959, a stageman told the honorary secretary that a converted ship's boat was adrift off New Brighton with two young men and two girls on board. At 10.32 the life-boat Lady Jane and Martha Ryland, on temporary duty at the station, put out in a smooth sea, with a light south- erly breeze blowing and a flood tide. The ship's boat Volga was found drifting up river about a mile south of the New Brighton stage. The two girls were transferred to the life-boat, and after a line had been connected to the life-boat by a member of her crew, the Volga was towed to the stage. This was reached at 11.40, and the two girls and the two young men were landed. Rewards to the crew, £6 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 6s..