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The Former Ship's Boat Tangle

Anstruther, Fifeshire. At 1.55 early on the morning of the 12th of June, 1959, the coxswain told the honorary secretary that he had received a message from a woman living at Elie that an outboard motor boat on passage from St. Andrews to Crail with three people on board was overdue. At 2.20 the life-boat James and Ruby Jackson was launched in a fresh south-westerly wind.

There was a moderate sea and the tide was flooding. After passing Crail the coxswain saw a small boat close in- shore and on investigating found it to be the boat for which he was searching.

She was the former ship's boat Tangle with a man and his wife and another woman on board. They had left St.

Andrews at 8.30 the previous evening,and all three were exhausted. The Tangle was fitted with an engine which was defective, and she had been equipped temporarily with an outboard motor which had broken down. After the two women had been transferred to the life-boat the Tangle was taken in tow, and the life-boat reached her station at 4.15. Rewards to the crew, £7 10s ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £8 6s..