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The Dory Shetlander I

Walmer, Kent. At 5.14 on the afternoon of the 7th of June, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a small blue yacht had capsized off the Royal Marines' rifle range. The life-boat Charles Dibdin (Civil Service No. 32) was launched at 5.19 in a moderate south-easterly breeze with a choppy sea and an ebb tide. On her way to the position given she passed a local motor boat, which had picked up the yacht's crew of three. The life-boat continued on her course and recovered the capsized dory Shetlander I, which belonged to the Kingsdown Boy Scouts Association.

She then returned to her station, arriving at 6.15. Rewards to the crew, £7 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £11 6s..