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Progress, Prosperity, Pilot Me, Lead Us, Easter Morn

Whitby, Yorkshire. At nine o'clock on the morning of the 18th of April, 1959, an ex-coxswain of the life-boat, who is today a boathouse attendant, told the honorary secretary that while attending his boats in the upper harbour he had been informed by a passing motorist that a vessel was sending up distress flares four miles north of Whitby. The life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched at 9.15 with the ex-coxswain in command in a moderate sea. A north-north-easterly wind of nearly gale force was blowing, and the tide was flooding. The life-boat found the motor fishing vessel Progress in tow of the motor fishing vessel Prosperity, whose skipper was the coxswain of the life-boat. She stood by until both vessels were safely in harbour. As the rest of the fishing fleet were at sea, the life-boat stood by the harbour bar until the fishing boats Pilot Me, Lead Us, Easter Morn, Whitby Rose and Stakesly Rose had crossed the bar. The life-boat returned to her station at noon.

Rewards to the crew, £8 8s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore £1 16s..