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St. Ives, Cornwall. At 12.20 early on the morning of the 18th of April, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a vessel needed help eight and a half miles west-north-west of St.

Ives Head. Five minutes later the life- boat Frank and William Oates, on temporary duty at the station, was launched in a strong north-westerly wind. There was a heavy ground swell, with an ebb tide. The life-boat reached the position and found H.M.S. Leopard passing a line to the motor vessel Marjan of Waalwijk, Netherlands, and preparing to take her in tow. She helped the warship to connect the tow rope and then stood by until 5.54, when the tow was taken over by the tug- boat Englishman. As the services of the life-boat were no longer needed she returned to her station, arriving at nine o'clock. Rewards to the crew, £13 19s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £11 10s..