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Ramsgate, Kent. At 5.3 on the after- noon of the 12th of April, 1959, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that the fishing vessel Garland had broken down with engine trouble off Dumpton Gap. Further informiHon was asked for as the life-boat had pa ;eil this vessel when she had gone ou; on service earlier that day and the Garland had not asked for help. At 5.38 a message was received that a distress signal was being flown, and the life- boat Michael and Lily Davis left her moorings in a slight sea. There was a moderate west-south-westerly wind and an ebb tide. The life-boat took the fishing vessel, which had a crew of two, in tow and reached her station at 6.25.

Rewards to the crew, £7 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, 10s..