A Sailing Boat (4)
Clovelly, Devon. At 9.20 on the morning of the 6th of June, 1959, the honorary secretary was informed that a small sailing boat, which had beet under observation since 6.30 but had made no distress signals, was drifting off Clovelly. The coastguard were asked for further news, and at 10.4 they reported that the man in the boat was baling and that the boat was drifting away from Clovelly. The life-boat William Cantrell Ashley was launched at 10.15 in a rough sea. There was a south-south-westerly wind of nearly gale force and an ebb tide. The life- boat found the boat, which was a 15-feet sailing boat. She took the man who had been baling aboard and returned to her station with the sailing boat in tow, arriving at 11.45. The man made a donation to the Institution's funds. Rewards to the crew, £7 4s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £9 12s..