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A Sailing Boat (2)

Newhaven, and Selsey, Sussex. At 12.5 on the afternoon of the 17th of May, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a small sailing boat had capsized a quarter of a mile off Cuckmere and that her crew of two could be seen clinging to her. Five minutes later the life-boat Cecil and Lilian Philpott was launched in a slight sea. There was a light north-easterly breeze and it was low water. A radio message was sent to the coxswain of the Selsey life-boat, who at the time was bringing the reserve life-boat John R.

Webb from Dover to Selsey for relief duty, advising him of the incident and asking him to investigate if he was in the area. The reserve life-boat found the sailing boat, and five minutes later the Newhaven life-boat reached her. A canoe had also arrived at the position and her occupant was holding a man up in the water but could do nothing more to help him. The man was taken on board the reserve life-boat and wrapped in blankets. The second coxswain and the motor mechanic of the Newhaven life-boat were transferred to the reserve life-boat, which, being on passage, had a reduced crew. The rescued man was landed at Newhaven at one o'clock, and after refuelling the reserve life-boat continued her passage to Selsey. The Newhaven life-boat reached her station at 1.40. The second man in the water had been rescued by some other canoeists and landed at Cuckmere. A donation was made to the Institution's funds. Rewards to the crew : New- haven, £8 ; Selsey, £2. Rewards to the helpers on shore : Newhaven, £2 9s..