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A Motor Boat

Falmouth, Cornwall. On the after- noon of the 17th of May, 1959, the police at Falmouth informed the honorary secretary that a motor boat had lost her rudder and had struck a rock near Rosemullion Point. The life-boat Crawford and Constance Cony- beare put out at five o'clock in a calm sea. There was a light easterly breeze, and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat reached the motor boat half way across Falmouth Bay and found her in tow of a pleasure boat. She escorted the two boats to Falmouth, which was reached at 6.30. The motor boat belonged to the Royal Naval Air Station at Culdrose and had been on a recreational trip when she hit a large shark, which carried away her rudder. A letter of appreciation was received from the Royal Naval Air Station. Rewards to the crew, £7..