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A Dinghy (5)

Selsey, Sussex. At eight o'clock on the evening of the 4th of June, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a small sailing dinghy had been reported submerged off Selsey east beach, with two people on board.

At 8.15 the life-boat John R. Webb, on temporary duty at the station, was launched in a calm sea, with a light easterly breeze blowing and a flood tide.

She rescued the dinghy's crew and landed them at Selsey. She continued for some time to search for a third member of the dinghy's crew, who had tried to swim ashore for help before the life-boat reached the dinghy. A helicopter joined in the search, but the man was not found, and after the life- boat had towed the dinghy ashore, she returned to her station, arriving at 10.35. Rewards to the crew, £10 3s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £6 18s..