Advanced search

Venture and Kestrel

Dunbar, East Lothian. At four o'clock on the morning of the 30th of March, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the police had reported two small boats overdue which were on passage from Aberdeen to Port Seton. One of the men on board was a diabetic and needed medical attention. The life-boat Margaret left her moorings at 4.15 in a slight sea, with a moderate south- westerly wind blowing and a flood tide.

The life-boat carried out a search for the missing boats, and at seven o'clock a helicopter joined in the search, contact being maintained by very high frequency radio-telephone. At 9.18 the police at Port Seton told the honorary secretary that both boats, the Venture and Kestrel, had put into Fernieness about five o'clock as they were short of fuel, and that the men on board were safely ashore. Shortly afterwards the coxswain saw the Kestrel drifting off Fernieness, and the life-boat took her in tow, reaching her station at 3.30. Rewards to the crew, £28 5s..