Tonton Alexandre
Campbeltown, Argyllshire. At 6.55 on the morning of the llth of February, 1959, the coastguard at Portpatrick told the honorary secretary that a Frenchtrawler was in difficulties between Corsewall and Campbeltown. Further enquiries were made by the coastguard, and at 7.11 the honorary secretary was informed that a message had been received from Brest le Conquet radio station that the French trawler Tonton Alexandre of Etel was ashore three miles south-east of Campbeltown. The life- boat City of Glasgow, on temporary duty at the station, put out at 7.35.
There was a fresh south-south-easterly breeze with a heavy swell and poor visibility. It was high water. The trawler was found ashore on a reef about one mile north of Rhu Stafnish Point.
Two other French trawlers were close by, and the life-boat ran a wire from the casualty to one of these trawlers.
Attempts were made to tow the Tonton Alexandre off the reef, but the wire snapped and after some difficulty another wire was connected by the life- boat. As the tide rose the trawler was pulled clear, and she made for Campbel- town escorted by the life-boat, arriving at 11.40. Rewards to the crew, £14 5s.; reward to the helper on shore, 16s..