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The S.S. Asia

Penlee, Cornwall. At eleven o'clock on the morning of the 2nd of February, 1959, the port medical officer told the honorary secretary that the s.s. Asia of Liverpool, which was then three miles south-south-west of Carn Du, was making for Mounts Bay as her bosun was seriously ill with pneumonia and needed medical attention. At 12.45 the life-boat W and S was launched in a rough sea. There was a strong easterly wind and it was high water. The life- boat made for Newlyn, where she em- barked the port doctor and ambulance men, and left at one o'clock to meet the steamer. The doctor was put aboard the steamer, and after examining the patient he arranged for him to be trans- ferred to the life-boat. The life-boat reached Newlyn at 3.15, when the bosun was taken to hospital. He was dis- charged eleven days later. The life- boat remained at Newlyn because of the heavy ground swell near the Penlee slipway until the 9th of February, when she returned to her station. The owners of the steamer made a donation to the Institution's funds. Rewards to the crew, £14 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £10 19s. 6d..