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The Dutch Cargo Vessel Helemar H

Dunmore East, Co. Waterford. At 3.20 on the morning of the 13th of February, 1959, a message was received from the honorary secretary at Rosslare Harbour that a Dutch vessel was stran- ded on the rocks in Dunmore Bay and was sending distress signals. The life- boat Annie Blanche Smith put out at 3.35 in a fresh south-easterly wind.

There was a moderate sea and a flood tide. The life-boat reached the casualty at 3.50. She was the Dutch cargo vessel Helemar H on passage from Amsterdam to Waterford with a cargo of fertilisers. The life-boat went along- side, and the vessel's master asked the coxswain to stand by. An hour later the vessel's lights were extinguished and the coxswain went alongside again and found that the engine room had been flooded. The Helemar H's crew de- cided to stay on board, and radio contact was maintained with the life- boat. At 5.30, at the master's request, seven of the crew of the cargo vessel were taken off and landed. The life-boat then returned to her and at 8.25 the master and the two remaining members of the crew decided to abandon her. The life-boat landed them and then returned to her station, arriving at 9.5. Rewards to the crew, £11 15s. ; reward to the helper on shore, 17s..