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Lerwick, Shetlands. At 2.5 on the afternoon of the 23rd of January, 1959, the medical officer of health for the county of Zetland asked the honorary secretary for the use of the life-boat to convey a patient who was in urgent need of medical attention from Girlsta toLerwick. A doctor from Scalloway had been unable to reach the patient because of severe weather conditions, and as there was no other suitable boat available, the life-boat Claude Cecil Staniforth left her moorings on the ebb tide at 2.30. After a doctor had boarded her she made for Brent- hammersland in a north-easterly gale with heavy snow showers and poor visibility, arriving at 4.27. The patient was embarked and landed at Lerwick at 5.33. Rewards to the crew, £12 5s.

Refunded to the Institution by the St.

Andrew and Red Cross Scottish Ambu- lance Service..