Advanced search

Friargate and the S.S. Juan Illueca

Eastbourne, Sussex. At 7.5 on the morning of the 6th of February, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a vessel was thought to be ashore east of Beachy Head. After further enquiries had been made it was reported that the coaster Friargate of Hull had hit Beachy Head ledge and needed help immediately. The life- boat Beryl Tollemache was launched at 7.45 in a calm sea and dense fog. The tide was flooding. The life-boat found that the coaster had been holed and was making water. The pumps were keep- ing the water under control, and the life-boat escorted the coaster to New- haven harbour, which was reached at 10.20. While returning to Eastbourne the coxswain was informed that the s.s. Juan Illueca of Valencia was ashore at Birling Gap. The life-boat made for the position and went alongside the steamer. Her master informed the coxswain that he was in no danger and did not need help, and the life-boat re- turned to her station, arriving at 3.30.

Rewards to the crew, £17 10s. ; re- wards to the helpers on shore, £13 12s..