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St. Ives, Cornwall. At 5.32 on the morning of the 8th of February, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the motor vessel Flevo of Groningen had run aground near Laver Point east of St. Ives Bay. The life- boat Edgar, George, Orlando and Eva Child was launched at 5.36 in a slight sea. There was a moderate south- easterly breeze and it was high water.

At 6.7 an amended position of the casualty was given by the coastguard, which put it to the west of St. Ives Head.

The coxswain was immediately in- formed, and the life-boat found the Dutch vessel, which was down by the head and making for St. Ives Bay. At her master's request the life-boat es- corted her to St. Ives harbour, which was reached at 7.15. Rewards to thecrew, £9; rewards to the helpers on shore, £15 2s..