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Anstruther, Fifeshire, and Broughty Ferry, Angus. At 7.34 on the evening of the 27th of January, 1959, the coast- guard informed the honorary secretary at Anstruther that the fishing boat Devotion of Kirkcaldy was on fire about a mile and half off Fifeness. The life-boat James and Ruby Jackson was launched at eight o'clock in fine weather with poor visibility and an ebb tide. She made for the position given but was unable to find the fishing boat.

She continued the search for some time, and eventually two bodies were found and recovered. The coxswain learnt by radio-telephone in answer to his enquiries that the Devotion had had a crew of three or four, and he continued the search throughout the night for possible survivors. Nothing further was found, and the life-boat returned to her station at six o'clock on the morning of the 28th of January and landed the two bodies. At 7.35 that morning the Broughty Ferry life-boat Mona was launched to continue the search. She found only pieces of fish boxes and a bundle of burnt papers, which were handed to the police when the life-boat returned to her station at 1.45. Anstruther : rewards to the crew, £24 5s. ; rewards to the helpers onshore £8 lls. Broughty Ferry : re- wards to the crew, £18 10s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 14s..