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A Sailing Dinghy

Poole, Dorset. At 7.40 on the even- ing of the 2nd of January, 1959, the police at Wareham told the coxswain that a sailing dinghy had left Wareham at three o'clock in the afternoon and had not returned. The crew consisted of a father and his two sons. The coastguard at Southbourne also tele- phoned the same message. At 7.55 the life-boat Thomas Kirk Wright was launched in a moderate sea. There was a moderate west-north-westerly wind, and it was low water. At 9.20 the life-boat, which was helped in the search by a boat from the Joint Ser- vices Amphibious Warfare School, Hamworthy, found the upturned dinghy about a hundred yards inside the mouth of the River Wareham. A thirteen- year old boy was lying semi-conscious in the bottom of the boat. He was taken aboard the life-boat and given dry clothing, a hot drink and some food. The life-boat brought him to Wareham Quay, from where an ambu- lance conveyed him to hospital. The life-boat returned to the position at which the dinghy had capsized, and after it had been righted the body of the second boy was found. After an un- successful search had been carried out for the father the life-boat returned to her station at 12.20. The body of the man was found next day by a heli- copter and was recovered by a boat from the Warfare School. The widow of the owner of the dinghy gave the dinghy, a trailer and gear to the Institution to dispose of. Rewards to the crew, £14 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 16s..