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A Dinghy (1)

Lytham-St. Anne's, and Blackpool, Lancashire. At 4.15 on the afternoon of the 7th of March, 1959, the police at Blackpool informed the honorary secretaries at Lytham-St. Anne's and Blackpool that a dinghy fitted with an outboard motor was drifting off Black- pool. The weather was cloudy with some patches of mist and a fresh easterly breeze. There was a moderate sea and it was flood tide. The Lytham- St. Anne's life-boat Sarah Townsend Porritt put out at 4.45, and the Black- pool life-boat Sarah Ann Austin was launched at 5.20. Both life-boats carried out a search and found the dinghy, with a crew of two, two miles west-north-west of St. Anne's pier.

The Blackpool life-boat took the dinghy in tow, arriving back at her station at 7.45. The Lytham-St.

Anne's life-boat reached her station at 7.40. Rewards to the crew : Lytham-St. Anne's, £10 10s. ; Black- pool, £10 10s. Rewards to the helpers on shore : Lytham-St. Anne's, £3 10s.; Blackpool, £3 14s..