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The Tongue Lightvessel

Margate, Kent. At 4.9 on the afternoon of the 21st of November, 1958, a request was received from the Chief Superinten- dent, Trinity House, for the life-boat to land a sick lamplighter from the Tongue lightvessel. The life-boat North Foreland (Civil Service No. 11) was launched at 4.20 in a very rough sea, with a fresh to strong easterly wind Wowing and a flood tide. The lightvessel, which was windrode, afforded no lee, and because of the sea conditions as the life-boat came alongside, it was extremely diffi- cult to take the man safely aboard.

Nevertheless, it was done without either damaging the life-boat or in- juring the man, and he was safely landed at Margate. Owing to the weather conditions, the life-boat re- mained secured alongside the quay at Margate overnight and returned to her station the following day, when she was rehoused at 11.40 in the morning.

Rewards to the crew, £14; rewards to the helpers on shore, £5 19s. Re- funded to the Institution by Trinity House..