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The S.S. Durban Castle

Bembridge, Isle of Wight. At 11.5 on the night of the 18th of December, 1958, the port medical officer of Cowes informed the honorary secretary that an injured seaman on board the S.S.

Durban Castle required hospital treat- ment and asked if the life-boat would meet the steamer and convey the man to Ryde pier. At 12.25 the life-boat Jesse Lumb was launched in a moderate sea, with a moderate south-south- westerly wind blowing and a flood tide.

The life-boat met the steamer off Spithead, took the injured man on board and landed him at Ryde pier, where he was taken to hospital by ambulance. The life-boat reached her station at three o'clock. The master of the steamer expressed his thanks.

Rewards to the crew, £9 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 5s..