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The Motor Fishing Vessels Snowdrop and Yvonne Risager

Dunbar, East Lothian. At 10.15 on the morning of the 3rd of October, 1958, the coastguard informed the honorary sec- retary that the motor fishing vessel Snowdrop of Inverness was disabled off the Bass Rock, six miles east of Dunbar.

The life-boat George and Sarah Strachan put out at 10.30 in a rough sea, with a fresh south-easterly wind blowing and a flood tide. While she was on her way to the position given, the motor fishing vessel Yvonne Risager was seen to be also in difficulties. The coxswain deci- ded to go to the assistance of the Snowdrop first. The life-boat took her in tow and later took the Yvonne Risager in tow also. The tow ropes parted three times, and as the life-boat approached the harbour, to which the entrance is somewhat narrow, the cox- swain decided to cast off the Snowdrop.

The life-boat towed the Yvonne Risager into the harbour, and the Snowdrop was taken in tow by another fishing vessel.

The life-boat reached her station at four o'clock. Rewards to the crew, £16 5s..