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Aith, Shetlands. At 1.35 on the afternoon of the 23rd of December, 1958, a doctor told the honorary secretary that a woman on the Island of Foula had fallen and broken her hip and needed hospital treatment im- mediately. As the weather was bad it was decided to send the life-boat to bring her to Aith. The doctor reached the life-boat station at 2.35, and five minutes later the life-boat The Rankin left her moorings with the doctor on board. There was a moderate southerly wind with a heavy swell and an ebb tide. The life-boat reached Foula at 6.5 and the doctor was put ashore by boat. It was then learnt that it would not be easy to take the woman aboard a small boat, and the life-boat came alongside the small pier, where the patient and doctor embarked. The life- boat reached Aith at 12.20, and the injured woman was transferred to a waiting ambulance and taken to hos- pital. Rewards to the crew, £24 5s. ; reward to the helper on shore, 12s..