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Margate, Kent. At 12.57 on the afternoon of the 31st of December, 1958, the coastguard passed on to the honorary secretary a message received through the North Foreland radio station that the General Post Office cable ship Ariel had received a signal by morse lamp from the Dutch motor vessel Janny of Appingedam. This stated that the Janny needed the help of a life-boat immediately. The Janny was bound for London with a cargo of lead ingots, which had shifted, and her position when she sent her distress signal had been five miles east-north- east of Margate. When the life-boat North Foreland (Civil Service No. 11) was launched at 1.15, there was a south- westerly wind of fresh to gale force.

The sea was rough, the sky was over- cast, and continuous heavy rain made visibility poor. The tide was flooding.

The life-boat found the motor vessel with her port gunwale awash and seas breaking on her hatch covers. Her master informed the coxswain that he would try to make the shelter of Margate Roads, and the life-boat escorted her. When they were off Margate the wind veered to the north- west and moderated. The crew of the Janny immediately went below and shifted the cargo to reduce the list, and after about an hour the master told the coxswain that he no longer needed the life-boat to stand by. She returned to harbour, arriving at 3.50. Rewards to the crew, £23 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 4s..